01/14Dinner timings of different countries Be it any culture, people look forward to sitting together and enjoying a nice & satisfying meal at the...
7 iconic instant noodles from around the world
Popular instant noodles around the world Created as a postwar hunger option in 1958, instant noodle is something that people swear by in today’s wor...
These foods are causing hormone imbalance in your body
​Foods you must avoid to manage hormonal imbalance Did you know your diet impacts the hormonal balance in the body? Hormones are chemical messengers...
5 teas that can aid in calming down anxiety
Beating stress and anxiety with herbal teas For centuries, tea has been considered one of the most effective stress busters. Especially sipping a cup ...
Can intake of nuts and seeds lower death risk?
01/5Link between nuts, seeds and lower risk of death A lot of people have this misconception that in order to lead a healthy lifestyle or in order to ...
Adding apples and chocolates to your diet can fix leaky gut issue : Study
01/4​The Study Adding up to three daily portions of apple, cocoa, dark chocolate, green tea, cranberries, oranges or pomegranate juice, improves int...
Why COVID-19 Can Affect the Inner Ear and What that Means for People with Long COVID
Hearing loss after COVID-19 has already been observed, but new research from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Massachusetts Eye and...
7 Facts About Tea That May Surprise You
Judging from our local coffee shop’s drive-thru line, which snakes out onto the street and up the block every morning, coffee dominates the morning ...
Potassium Rich Foods
If you’re like most people in the U.S., you likely don’t get enough potassium in your diet. Like calcium and sodium, potassium is a mineral thatâ€...
Here’s Exactly Where We Are with Vaccines and Treatments for COVID-19
With confirmed COVID-19 cases in the United States surpassing 30 million and continuing to grow, scientists have spent the past year developing vaccin...